Pixel lab.

Technology / System aware pixel design

 Pixel lab. is seeking for enthusiastic students interested in image sensor pixel research. Interested candidate may contact Prof. Jiwon Lee via jiwonlee@postech.ac.kr

News and Event

2023.10.31 IEEE TED paper (Effect of X-ray Irradiation on Colloidal Quantum Dot SWIR CMOS Image Sensor ) has been accepted. 

2023.10.29 MDPI Sensors paper (A Thin-Film Pinned-Photodiode Imager Pixel with Fully Monolithic Fabrication and beyond 1Me- Full Well Capacity) has been accepted. 

2023.10.16 IEEE EDL paper (Thin-film Photogate Pixel with Fixed Photodiode Bias for Near-infrared Imaging) has been accepted. 

2023.7.16 Nature electronics paper (Thin-film image sensors with a pinned photodiode structure ) has been accepted.